トップページ日本自動車殿堂に寄せて21世紀も自動車の世紀? フォルクスワーゲン グループ ジャパン株式会社 元社長 日本自動車輸入組合 元理事長 梅野 勉


21世紀も自動車の世紀? フォルクスワーゲン グループ ジャパン株式会社 元社長 日本自動車輸入組合 元理事長 梅野 勉



Will the 21st Century be Another Century of Automobile?

When we labeled the twenty century as the century of mechanical civilization in which the automobile played the leading character, then, what can we name the twenty-first century? The answer will be in the process for the solution to the issues in the history of human being concerning deteriorating global environment and insufficient provision supply.

In order to preserve the free personal mobility achieved by the automobile for the first time in the human history and to hand over the technologies to the future generation, revolution and evolution of the automobile and the automotive industry should be essential. Then the contribution to these challenges should be duly acknowledged and recognized. I am genuinely hopeful about the activity of the Japan Automotive Hall of Fame.

Tsutomu Umeno
Former President
Volkswagen Group Japan KK
Former Chairman
Japan Automobile Importers Association

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