
研究・選考会議議長・理事 片山光夫
日頃からJAHFAの活動に格別なるご厚情を賜り厚くお礼申し上げます。この度、研究・選考会議の議長を拝命しました片山光夫です。これまで研究・選考会議副議長として、日本自動車殿堂の活動に参画してきました。これからは、理事・研究・選考会議議長として、殿堂者ならびに歴史遺産車の選考・ご推挙を中心に日本自動車殿 堂の活動に貢献していきたいと考えております。日本自動車殿堂は2001年の活動開始より、皆様のご理解ご協力のもとで確かな評価をいただいているものと考えます。これもひとえに設立時以来、研究・選考会議議長をつとめてまいられた鈴木一義前議長のたゆみないご尽力に負うところが大きいと感謝いたします。至らない点は多々あるかと存じますが、これまで同様、よろしくご支援を賜りたくお願い申し上げます。
JAHFA has appointed Mr. Mitsuo Katayama to new chairman of the Selection Committee.
We got the inaugural remarks from Mr. Katayama, as below.
To whom it may concern,
I have just been appointed to be the Chairman of Research and Selection Committee of JAHFA. I have worked with Mr. Yoshikazu Suzuki who was the former chairman of this committee for several years and will now take his place as its chairman. Japan Automotive Hall of Fame, since its inception in 2001, has acquired firm support from the automotive industry and related academic community in Japan and we owe it to the past JAHFA chairmen and particularly to the former committee chairman who worked tirelessly in the past. I hope to continue the tradition to make JAHFA more far reaching and important in near future. I thank you, in advance, for your cooperation.
Mitsuo Katayama
Born in1945 and graduated from UC Berkeley Mechanical Engineering Dpt. and Sibley School of Engineering Cornell University with Master of Mechanical Engineering. Formerly Division Chief Engineer, Power Systems Division, Hitachi, Ltd. After serving as Chairman of RJC (Automotive Researchers’ and Journalists’ Conference of Japan) from 2009 to 2011, Chairman of Tamagawa Speedway Society. Former President of I-Site, Inc. Director and Chairman of Study and Selection Committee of JAHFA.